Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I do.....

Habits.. Traditions.. you get so used to the way things “have been done so far”.. that you delude yourself into believing that these expressions are beautiful, pure and heart-felt.. Why is a tradition that doesn’t belong in the present world, the only way I can convey my acceptance? How can (the supposed) happiest day of my life make me so resentful? How can there be joy or peace in bequeath? If it is simply a way of doing things.. if it doesn’t mean anything anymore.. why cant it be changed?
Stupid, helpless and insignificant in a whirlpool of aspirations from different time periods.. What happened to … "Its all about what you want"??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that if it is the happiest day in your life, you are wasting your time thinking about such a silly thing like tradition? Why is it not better to just go through the motions to get what you want? And why not be the change that you want to see in the world? i.e. if things are not the way you want it to be for yourself, then make sure that someone else who might be depending on you, later in life, do not have to undergo these things which you find detestable.

Anyways these are "a whole lotta crap" from me, the important thing is that I wish you joy for the rest of your life!

7:34 AM  

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