Sunday, May 21, 2006

Fairy tales....

This one is dedicated to a friend…she eats, sleeps, pretends to study and cribs all the time… just like me… :) wat a life!!!

Delusions of the sane mind… “forever”

my prince charming….will he leave a shoe behind for me or will I wake him up with a kiss…will I swoop him away on a magic carpet.. or will he give up his fins for legs…(how about trading looks for brains…) considering the current prospects (hypothetical of course)…. he might just turn out to be a frog..

how abt a cup of coffee??

Saturday, May 20, 2006

I am having a secret romantic affair (in my head)…:)

Green leaves glistened by tiny droplets of water on their surfaces…wet roads…small puddles of water waiting to be splashed on some innocent pedestrian.. cool breeze on your face when u zip past the trees, splashes of the drops on your face….smell of rain and sand and trees…freshness…life…so satisfying those moments of existence…the sounds of leaves rustling, dogs barking, children laughing, the aroma of butta roasting on coal…. dark clouds..purple nite… cold feel of the granite pavement…bhel mix from the vandi...turn around to see the reflections of the city lights on the silver, clear water through the gap between the leaves.. I wait to see his car drive past…. for one glimpse of his face… tht smile…the arrogance…those eyes…